I made Corned Beef fried Rice for breakfast a few days ago. Leftover white rice was used along with a cup of corned beef (from the can). Since only a cup was used, I had extra corned beef, which I made into corned beef and potato casserole. I remembered that I had a flower-shaped egg mold. I used it to cook the fried eggs that I topped over the fried rice.

corned beef fried rice with egg

This dish was easy to cook. It was also satisfying. I like how the flavors of the corned beef and fried garlic mixed together. It smelled good and had a pleasing taste; it even got better when the rice was added. It became a yummy meal.
Try this Corned Beef Fried Rice Recipe. Enjoy!


1 cup corned beef (use canned corned beef)

3 cups leftover white rice

3 egg cooked sunny side up

3 tablespoons cooking oil

1 teaspoon minced garlic

A dash of salt


Heat the oil in a wide frying pan.

Add the beaten egg. Cook one side for 1 minute in medium heat. Turn the egg over and cook the other side for another minute or until the egg is completely cooked. Remove the egg and put in a plate. Set aside.

Using the remaining oil (add more oil f needed), brown the minced garlic. Add the corned beef. Cook for 2 minutes.

Put the rice in the pan. Stir-fry for 5 minutes.

Transfer to a plate. Top with a piece of sunny side up egg.

Serve. Share and enjoy!

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CORNED BEEF FRIED RICE CORNED BEEF FRIED RICE Reviewed by Mesbit on December 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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